Ludvika Hash House Harriers
LH3 Run #227
LH3 Run no. 227
Sunday, 31 July 2022, 16:00 CEST
: Torrboviksvägen 6, SE-777 90 Smedjebacken, Sverige
: Team Super’s (Janne, Lisny m.fl.)
: 22 °C, partially cloudy, gentle breeze.
: Torrboviksvägen 6, SE-777 90 Smedjebacken, Sverige
Torrbo Summer Run!
20th time !
Regardless it is good if we continue with:
- Stay at home if any symtoms (cold, feber etc.).
- Extra good hygien.
- We hold extra distance during the evening according to the recommendations.
- We do not share mugs, please bring your own.
Hares: Team Super’s (Janne, Lisny and others)
Fee: 40 SEK/15 SEK (adults/7-15 years) including trail and possible drink stops, food and circle.
Soda/water is included, beer for sale for 10/15/20 SEK. LH3-stuff (t-shirts, shorts and socks) are also for sale.
Cash or Swish!