SUH3 30Y Pub Crawl
Friday, 6 September 2024, 18:30 CEST
: Fatbursparken, Södermalm
: 18 °C, partially cloudy, light breeze.
: (see SUH3 30 Years)

No half arrows to the start, but I'm sure you can find it. 😉 It's a short walking distance from either T-Medborgarplatsen or Södra station's pendeltåg.


The Stockholm Hash House Harriettes 30th Analversary Weekend begins with the world's first ever —

Geohashing Park & Pub Quiz Crawl!

🗺️  Get lost in the urban jungle!
👀  Test your observational skills!
🧠  Use brain while drinking!
🤔  Guess answers to questions!
🏆  Win fabulous prizes!

Please don’t be late, we have a lot to get through before the night is over. Bring a portable shot glass if you have one because there may be a shot check en route.* 🤪 Other than that, just make sure that your thirst is primed and that your brain is in gear, because you have a lot of tricky questions to answer if you’re going to win that fabulous prize! There is no dinner planned, but all the pubs serve food so just eat when you feel like it or pick something up on the way. This is an A-A' trail. You won't get back exactly to the start, but it will be nearby.
🔛🔛 into the haze!
*) No worries, if you don't have a glass one will be provided to you.

Last updated 12 days ago.